Digital Skills

ICT is an integral part of teaching and learning in St Ninnidh’s PS. It is apparent in every aspect of the curriculum. In Foundation Stage we begin with the emergent skills of ICT through practical play based learning activities. These children experience ICT through using programmable toys, educational apps, digital cameras and listening centres.
The skills introduced in Foundation Stage are developed upon in a progressive manner throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Pupils are afforded opportunities to develop their digital skills encouraging them to handle and communicate information, ask questions, problem solve and be creative while using ICT.
Each term a different aspect of ICT is selected as a focus where our starting point is always based on the ensuring the development and integration of the 5 E’s: Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit.
All staff are proficient in their use of ICT and choose relevant ICT tools and devices that align with their learning intentions and needs of their students. Staff receive training and support on how to use devices and software effectively. Children are taught internet safety, the importance of remaining safe and practising good digital citizenship.
In St Ninnidh’s PS we recognise that ICT is crucial for enhancing learning experiences and equipping children with important digital skills which they will need in the future.